Transmission Policy in Flux

More planning, fewer incentives, and a black swan on the horizon.

The transmission superhighway still needs major investments. Rate incentives were working -- until FERC started backing away from them. FERC should assert its authority more aggressively to promote the vision of a robust interstate grid.

Rethinking Capacity Markets

A pragmatic new approach to assuring reliability.

The latest dispute over PJM’s bidding rules has raised the level of uncertainty in organized electricity markets. Efforts at reform have created a market structure so jumbled that it can’t produce just and reasonable rates -- or assure adequate supply resources. It’s time for FERC to consider alternative approaches to market design.

Preventing Tomorrow's Blackouts

Why transmission planners and protection engineers need to work more closely together.

Recent outages show the importance of proper transmission system design. As the grid becomes more complex, reliability requires tighter coordination.

NERC on a Wire

The reliability organization struggles with reforms, as FERC hovers.

NERC’s reliability oversight is bogged down on two fronts—standard-setting and compliance oversight. Progress depends on improving unwieldy process.

Busting the Transmission Trusts

Creative destruction is coming, and it can’t be stopped.

With Order 1000, FERC shows it’s willing to blow up uncompetitive structures, as with trustbusting under Teddy Roosevelt, and the more recent Bell breakup.

Responding to Prof. Hogan

APPA questions the benefits attributed to organized power markets.

Unless the regulatory paradigm fairly balances the interests of both load and generation, the utility industry will be condemned to continued upheaval.

First Refusers

Order 1000, the RTOs, and the power of incumbency.

In Order 1000, FERC wanted—among other things—to open grid development to private developers. But FERC’s natural allies—the regional transmission organizations—are refusing to go along with this new vision.

Very Roughly Commensurate

Analyzing the Order 1000 comply filings from non-RTO regions.

Last fall, utilities across the country began filing tariffs with FERC to explain how they’ll comply with Order 1000. That’s quite a handful, but maybe not a stretch for the RTOs. Not so for the non-RTO regions.

Trading on a Knife Edge

The Deutsche Bank case and the meaning of ‘price manipulation.’

A few months back, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission directed Deutsche Bank Energy Trading LLC to show cause why it shouldn’t be assessed a civil penalty of $1.5 million and be made to return some $123,000 in allegedly unjust profits from power trading in markets run by the California ISO.

Bill Hogan, Unbundled

A candid commentary on current topics in electric restructuring.

A no-holds-barred interview with the electric industry’s chief architect of wholesale electric market design.