Off Peak

There's nothing quite like a consumer scorned..<b> </b>
Fortnightly Magazine - March 15 2001
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Off Peak

March 15, 2001

'I See Now I Was Naive'


There's nothing quite like a consumer scorned..

Excerpts from letters sent by private citizens to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and made a part of the official in RDocket No. EL00-95-000.

Dear Sir:

I understand slightly higher prices. I understand rationing. I don't understand what is going on now. It's not fair or right. I've written to the President and Congress to complain.

Paul from Seattle

Dear Mr. Hoecker:

I want to thank you sincerely for the stunning work you've done recently in brokering such a fine deal with PG&E. I thought you might be able to help me hide my assets as well so that my company might be able to declare bankruptcy, thereby allowing me to be free of all my nagging responsibilities. You see, we had a couple of bad years in '97 and '98 and my company racked up a tremendous amount of debt ... But I see now that I was naive. ... With expert help like yours I could have really made out swimmingly. Why am I so darned provincial?

Anna in San Francisco


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