Energy Policy & Legislation

Virginia SCC: Alex Skirpan

Chief Hearing Examiner

“The Commission exercises both legislative and judicial power. Most utility matters, like setting rates, are legislative cases. Judicial cases usually involve fines or someone showing why they should not have a license taken away.”

Virginia SCC: Sam Nixon

Chief Admin. Officer

“In Virginia, the SCC is not just a utility Commission. It’s also the banking Commission and the insurance Commission. We also oversee railroad safety, gas pipeline safety, and security brokers.”

Virginia SCC: Commissioner Angela Navarro


“We do complement each other. Judge Jagdmann has the experience and depth of knowledge. Judge Hudson coming from FERC, has that federal experience. My experience is more on the public policy side.”

What California and Texas Have in Common


California and Texas lack a coherent microgrid strategy. It is time to boldly step into the future with more sustainable solutions that offer much greater value to ratepayers, utilities, and the environment.

Go Big and Local with Clean Energy

For Post-COVID Recovery

Addressing this triple impetus – a pandemic-hobbled economy, an over-heated planet, and poorly-addressed social equity issues – can begin immediately if we go big and go local.

FERC Jurisdiction Over Energy Contracts in Bankruptcy

Concurrent Jurisdiction is the Answer

This article puts forth a practical resolution of this issue – and the one currently favored by FERC – which is for the bankruptcy courts and FERC to share jurisdiction over matters related to wholesale energy contracts during Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings.