The States

Oregon: Situated Quite Well

2015 Regulators Forum

States that have coal-dependent economies will likely have more difficulty complying with the Clean Power Plan than states like Oregon. There will be rate impacts to be sure. The trick will be compliance at the most reasonable cost that that can be assured.

2015 Regulators Forum

State Utility Commissioners in Their Own Words

Susan Ackerman, chair, Oregon PUC; Chris Nelson, vice-chairman, South Dakota PUC; Tim G. Echols, Georgia PSC; Paul J. Roberti, Rhode Island PUC

Understanding New York's 'Vision'

A roadmap to ‘REV’ and its plan for restructuring.

New York's far-reaching reform plan, called the Renewable Energy Vision, or “REV,” seeks to decentralize power supply by encouraging distributed resources, and a new regulatory entity will be created called a “Distributed System Platform,” or DSP.

Gas Pipelines for New England

A consumer model that compounds public benefits.

Natural gas used for electric generation is running headfirst into the lack of sufficient pipeline capacity. The magnitude of these changes demands a fresh look at business practices, especially in New England, which is suffering while neighboring regions benefit from the Marcellus Shale bonanza.

REV'ed and Ready

New York aims to Reform its Energy Vision. For technology companies, it’s a dream come true.

New York State is now rethinking its regulatory in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, and it expects to become an example to other states as it explores microgrids and energy storage.

Constitutional Controversy

Can EPA’s Clean Power Plan Pass Muster?

The Clean Power Plan’s fate may hinge on whether the federal government is seen as usurping states’ rights under the Fifth and Tenth Amendments. Harvard’s Law School professors debate the issue.

New York's Natural Gas Path

The state is diverging from the national trend.

New York is taking its own path and outlawing the use of high-volume natural gas fracking. Yet, the state will remain a voracious consumer of natural gas that is fracked elsewhere. What gives?

A Merger Hits Home

Some thoughts on Exelon’s takeover of Pepco.

“Mr. Rigby says there’s no conflict between shareholders wanting the highest price and ratepayers wanting the best service … His view is illogical.” – Scott Hempling, attorney, in opposition.

Utility Commissioners and Who They Trust

A survey sample of regulators on their dealings with peers, colleagues, staffers, and stakeholders.

How do regulators engage their staffs and colleagues? How do they view their peers in other states? The utilities they regulate? A unique view based on a sample survey of former state utility commissioners.