Growing the Grid


Americans for a Clean Energy Grid

Fortnightly Magazine - April 2023
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Americans for a Clean Energy Grid is a not-for-profit broad-based advocacy coalition, focused on the need to expand, integrate, and modernize the North American high-voltage grid. That's a heavy lift.

Further, ACEG envisions a robust transmission network connecting all regions of the U.S. The ambitious grid changes being called for are needed to meet decarbonization efforts, but getting there won't be easy.

The high-voltage transmission transformation envisioned by ACEG is a difficult but worthy endeavor. To find out more about this push for a better grid, Public Utilities Fortnightly's Paul Kjellander discussed the challenges and benefits with Executive Director Christina Hayes.

PUF's Paul Kjellander: How is Americans for a Clean Energy Grid working to modernize the North American high-voltage transmission grid?

Christina Hayes: ACEG has a broad coalition, so we coordinate environmental groups, labor groups, clean-energy buyers, and folks in the industry around the shared vision of, we need a lot more high-capacity transmission. I use the term, high capacity, specifically because there are a lot of innovations around transmission technology.

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