Small Nuclear Getting Big: John Marshall


Potential Energy Coalition

Fortnightly Magazine - May 2023
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The growing consensus that the electric industry's transformation to low and then to zero-carbon electricity must include a fleet of advanced nuclear plants as a clean baseload foundation was much discussed and celebrated as well at a gathering in New York of tech, financial, and industry leaders. 

Here are key remarks by pollster John Marshall.


John Marshall: It's probably the most statistically valid set of data we have about how your average citizen thinks about nuclear. 

I'm going to bust some myths. This is a sixteen thousand three hundred fifty-six-person study in France, Germany, Japan, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, UK and the U.S. We have seven thousand consumers in the U.S. We have a whole bunch of people living in coal communities. 

We asked them a series of questions: "How do you feel about having nuclear in your backyard? How do you think about it? How do you think about safety and waste?" We used the word meltdown.

I'm going to tell you what we learned. Number one, in a ratio of five to one, across these eight countries, there are five more supporters than opponents.

You have that ratio of ten to one in Poland. You have that ratio of five to one in France, Sweden, and the UK. You have a ratio of four to one in the U.S. You have a ratio of 1.6 to one in Japan and two to one in Germany. 

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