Frontlines & Op-Ed

Patriot of His Country and Industry

Tom Fanning

Much like Owen Young a hundred years before him, Tom Fanning has again and again proven to be a patriot of his country and industry. Indeed, perhaps Fanning also personifies a second hero in the history of our industry, Alvin Ward Vogtle.

Edison's Congress This Month

May Meeting of Those Who Build, Maintain, Restore the Grid

AEIC approached PUF proposing to jointly host a spring version of this nearly 140-year-old tradition. Edison Congress 2023 will bring together officers and directors from 35 different utilities to share experiences, lessons learned, and best practices.

NARUC's Winter Summit

The More Things Change

There’s less than two weeks to go before we’ll be getting together again in D.C. in mid-February. As usual it will be a lot warmer inside the Renaissance Hotel than outside of it, at NARUC’s 2023 Winter Meeting; formally the Winter Policy Summit.

In the Year 2023

It’s a Small World

At this time of global geopolitical tension, one is reminded how fortunate we are in North America and how central we are to staving off the scariest scenarios.

Important Voices

Powell, Garza, Highley, Poletti, Williams, Sramek

With so many important voices within this issue, where should you start?

Innovating at AEIC

They Keep the Lights On

AEIC is celebrating its achievements this October at the 138th annual meeting of AEIC’s members in Scottsdale, Arizona. With unprecedented legislative and technological challenges coming, AEIC believes in working together to address the industry’s greatest operational needs.