How States are Integrating Advanced Nuclear

A Path Toward Carbon Reduction Goals

“Both recent pieces of federal legislation increase the appeal to states of new clean energy technologies such as advanced nuclear. Take a deeper dive into how states are planning for advanced nuclear by reviewing the newly released NARUC and NASEO Advanced Nuclear State Action Tracker.”

Coal State Transition: West Virginia

West Virginia PSC

“West Virginia has passed a law that prohibits municipalities from banning natural gas. We view natural gas as a very important source of energy, and I would hate to see that taken off the table.”

Coal State Transition: Wyoming

Wyoming PSC

“I emphasize that the discussion needs to not be about coal, but about reducing the carbon footprint. In Wyoming, coal is not a four-letter word and in other places it is.”

An Exelon Leader Looks Ahead to 2024


"We’ve announced that with PJM, we’ve been awarded several large transmission projects that first will help replace aging fossil generation. At the same time, will provide and facilitate more clean energy options."