
Gen Interconnection: Comparability or Common Sense?

Why power plants should pay for grid upgrades.


Why power plants should pay for grid upgrades.

Do we make all generators equal-using affirmative action to give rights to merchants that are "comparable" to utility-owned plants?

Or, do we let the locational price signals shine through-trusting all plant developers, whether regulated or not, to act in self-interest?

A Vision for Trasmission: How the RTOs Stand

And where the trouble spots lie in FERC's grid plan.

And where the trouble spots lie in FERC's grid plan.

The mood appeared calm on June 26 in Washington, D.C., at the regular bi-weekly meeting of the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Key officials from various regional transmission organizations (RTOs) had gathered before chairman Pat Wood and the other commissioners to brief them on progress over the past year in reforming wholesale electric markets, and on what the FERC might expect in the summer at hand.

Standby Generation: A New Proposition

A cost/benefit analysis of full interconnection of customer-owned standby generators.

Investigating the economic impact of interconnecting a backup generator with a utility-owned power system.

Talking with Trans-Elect's Bernie Schroeder

His company, he admits, is all about cherry picking.

We wanted to learn the latest on who’s buying, selling and churning assets in the transmission world. Trans-Elect president and COO Bernie Schroeder did not disappoint.

Pat Packs a Punch

FERC's new chairman runs roughshod over a reeling industry.

By a vote of 3-1, FERC had crowned the Midwest Independent System Operator—MISO—as belle of the ball. In so doing, it scorned the proposed Alliance Regional Transmission Organization.