wholesale market

Southern California Edison Customers Participate in Demand Response Program

Southern California Edison (SCE) integrated an estimated 1,118 MW of demand response resources into California's wholesale energy markets. These programs serve SCE's residential, commercial and industrial customers who, in exchange for bill reductions, have agreed to reduce their energy consumption when called upon to do so.

Massachusetts Finds Long-Term Contract Mandate Premature

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities found it’s unnecessary at the current time to require electric utilities to enter long-term contracts for power supply to address forecasts of insufficient peak-load requirements in the state. The department said that requiring electric distribution companies to enter into long-term contracts with generators would be proper only if there was convincing evidence that the competitive market has failed and that there are imminent reliability concerns.

No Going Back

Free markets are not a fad.

Half-hearted deregulation hobbles the forces of supply and demand before they can get out of the gate.