Frontlines & Op-Ed

In Diversity There is Energy

Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion. Glorious Additions to the Strings

Diverse teams tend to be more curious, dynamic, creative. Groupthink is less likely, anticipating the unanticipated, more likely.

Forging a Path to the Modern Grid

Energy Efficiency Solutions

It's not news that power systems across the United States are experiencing an upheaval. With the greater deployment of energy efficiency, renewable energy and distributed resources, as well as different usage patterns and customer demands, today's grid is struggling to perform to our expectations.

Transitioning to a more modern electrical grid will require changes to the pricing structures used by electric utilities, moving beyond the traditional two-part rate with its roots in the nineteenth century.


The Historic Mission Renewed
It is ironic. When the power of electricity is interrupted, only then do we see electricity.

NARUC in Wintertime

Utility Regulation and Policy Wait For No Man.

See You at this Year’s Winter Meeting on Edison’s Birthday (February 11).

Ten Predictions for 2018

NOPR Over and Over. Bills Lower and Lower.

Energy storage will advance, electrification will pick up, allowed rates of return will be reconsidered.