

Proper authority and market monitoring and mitigation could make the system work.


Proper authority and market monitoring and mitigation could make the system work.


In the last few years we have watched appalled as the western U.S. electricity markets collapsed, taking with them the solvency and viability of several very large participants, including the California Power Exchange (PX).

The Blackout of 2003: Why We Fell Into The Heart of darkness

The road to the current reliability crisis is paved with four decades of bad policy decisions.

The road to the current reliability crisis is paved with four decades of bad policy decisions.


The technical causes of the great Northeast blackout of August 2003 are coming into focus. For reasons yet unknown as of press time, transmission lines in northern Ohio were lost to the grid, and within seconds 50 million people in the United States and Canada were without power. Soon we will no doubt know the specific reasons for the blackout, and technical corrections and improvements will be made.

Water Heaters to teh Rescue: Demand Bidding in Electric Reserve Markets

With just a few changes in reliability rules, regulators could call on consumer loads to boost power reserves for outages and contingencies.

With just a few changes in reliability rules, regulators could call on consumer loads to boost power reserves for outages and contingencies.


In proposing a standard market design (SMD), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) makes clear that it wants customers to participate in wholesale power markets, such as by bidding an offer to curtail consumption, increase supply, and reduce upward pressure on prices.

"We believe in the direct approach of letting demand bid in the market," says FERC.


New Positions:

New Positions:

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission established the position of deputy executive director for Homeland Protection and Preparedness, naming William F. Kane to fill the role. Kane previously oversaw the offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Enforcement, Investigations, and the Regions.


Significant obstacles stand in the way of achieving cost savings that should accrue to market-based emissions trading policies.

Regulation No. 226: Perestroika for Russian Energy Investment

The Federal Energy Commission of Russia is set to restructure the country's energy rules and make opportunities for investment attractive.

The Federal Energy Commission of Russia is set to restructure the country's energy rules and make opportunities for investment attractive.

Potential investors in Russian energy will be particularly interested in Regulation 226, "On Price Formation Regarding Electric and Heat Energy." Enacted on April 2, 2002, this regulation, if implemented as fully presented, provides an attractive basis for the balance of interests between investors and consumers of Russian electricity called for by Federal Energy Commission of Russia (FEC) Chairman Geor

Risk Experts Speak Out: Where the CCRO Fell Short

A surprisingly timid effort for an industry on the brink.

The purpose for the Committee of Chief Risk Officers (CCRO) recommendations, as stated in the introduction to their 198-page opus, is "to provide guidance on new methods and tools to establish a strong foundation for future growth in this (merchant energy) industry." But the reality is that the recommendations, almost without exception, fail to provide strong leadership in the areas of past and potential future abuse.

Commission Watch

State regulators redouble their deregulation efforts-or abandon them altogether.

Retail Energy in 2002: A Regulatory About-face



State regulators redouble their deregulation efforts-or abandon them altogether.

The past year was a phenomenal one for state public utility regulators.

A historical confluence of events, including the catastrophic failure of the move to deregulate California electric markets and a nationwide epidemic of corporate financial scandals, led in large part by energy trading firms, helps to explain the developments.