Commission Watch

First Year at FERC

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

“What I’m focused on is making sure we bring everybody to the table, and we work together in a bipartisan manner. I believe that FERC is a bipartisan Commission for a reason. FERC is an independent agency for a reason. As a regulator, I guard that independence.”

Hawaii's Chair Completing His Term

Hawaii PUC

“We still are the most oil-dependent state in the nation and the most oil-dependent electricity systems. Our cost of energy remains extremely high. The sweet spot for these new technologies is it’s easier for them to be cost competitive here.”

New Mexico PRC: Commissioner Jefferson Byrd

State Commissions

“The Energy Transition Act is going to change the landscape for the Commission and utilities. We’re going from a firm power supply to alternative energy. That’s going to be a challenge to make sure you keep the lights on without any of the traditional firm power sources.”

New Mexico PRC: Commissioner Theresa Becenti-Aguilar

State Commissions

“When I work with my colleagues, I make them understand how Native American tribes respond to issues we deal with on a daily basis and the living conditions. I also express my voice and vote on all utility matters for the whole State of New Mexico.”

New Mexico PRC: Vice Chair Cynthia Hall

State Commissions

“We recently established a new rule on Community Solar implementation, and other rulemaking dockets we hope to successfully complete include interconnection, grid modernization, and transportation electrification.”

New Mexico PRC: Chair Joseph Maestas

State Commissions

“We’re showing progress by making headway on the backlog of rulemakings, filling key positions, being proactive instead of reactive. We want to make sure at the end of this calendar year, when we’re all termed out of office, we hand over the keys to an agency that is in a much better place than when we found it.”

Vice President of Big Sky's Commission

Montana PSC

“The western region is 5 to 7 years away from a serious capacity shortfall. The major utility in Montana is predicting a 750-MW shortfall in capacity within 5 or 7 years, unless we come up with additional baseload generation.”