Importance of FERC Order 881

POWER Engineers

The energy and utilities industry is scrambling for any answer to overcome the transmission line capacity issue brought on by the transition to cleaner energy. In short, more renewables sited in far-away locations means more transmissions lines are needed. Full stop.

First Year at FERC

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

“What I’m focused on is making sure we bring everybody to the table, and we work together in a bipartisan manner. I believe that FERC is a bipartisan Commission for a reason. FERC is an independent agency for a reason. As a regulator, I guard that independence.”

Unintended Consequences of FERC Order 1000


“Pre-Order 1000, there was a fair amount of regional transmission development, and the most prominent examples are MISO MVPs, CapX2020, Balanced Portfolio in SPP. Those continue to provide massive benefits to customers. It makes a strong case for policymakers to say, ‘it’s time to go back to the federal right of first refusal.’”

FERC Jurisdiction Over Energy Contracts in Bankruptcy

Concurrent Jurisdiction is the Answer

This article puts forth a practical resolution of this issue – and the one currently favored by FERC – which is for the bankruptcy courts and FERC to share jurisdiction over matters related to wholesale energy contracts during Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings.

Whither the FERC?

National Regulatory Research Institute

A conversation about this new report with its author, the Director of the NARUC’s National Regulatory Research Institute.