
Tom Fanning: Jim Kerr

Southern Company Gas

“Tom has been our industry’s clear leader in understanding the risks and importance of cybersecurity. Our country has benefited greatly because of his work in this area, and I think Tom will continue to lead in this space.”

Tom Fanning: Kim Greene

Georgia Power

“Vogtle is an incredible legacy project for Tom. Southern Company persevered when no other company did. Tom Fanning’s realistic optimism in our ability to get through that project has led us to where we are the only utility in the country bringing online over 2,000 nuclear, clean energy megawatts to serve our customers.”

Tom Fanning: Chris Womack

Owen Young Award

“With all the work he’s led with EEI, on physical security issues as well as storm restoration, the work he’s done on cyber, at the same time pulling the Vogtle project through, and with the technology revolution occurring in our business, he’s continued to stay steady, has been a visionary, and brought us through it all to the other side.”

Patriot of His Country and Industry

Tom Fanning

Much like Owen Young a hundred years before him, Tom Fanning has again and again proven to be a patriot of his country and industry. Indeed, perhaps Fanning also personifies a second hero in the history of our industry, Alvin Ward Vogtle.

Extraordinary Careers: Branko Terzic

FERC, Wisconsin PSC

“I said, ‘Let’s put them all into one mega-notice of proposed rulemaking and do one large integrated package.’ Out of that came Order 636, which unbundled the natural gas industry, restructured it, introduced new straight variable rate design, capacity release, and packages that made our natural gas pipeline industry more efficient than ever.”