
Electric Affordability Today and Tomorrow

Meanings, Myths, Measures

I have been thinking about persistent myths of affordability. Such as that electric bills in isolation can be unaffordable. Another myth is that low-income households have high electric bills. Many households are unquestionably under great and growing stress. If we aspire to make a difference for them, we ought to better target who they are and reach for the tools in our collective toolboxes at utilities and in utility regulation that can really help.

What's in Store in Twenty-Four?

Scylla and Charybdis

As we contemplate how we, in the fashion of Odysseus, shall confront the various Scylla and Charybdis of the new year, it is good to remember the strengths of our ship at sea.

Santa to Slide Down Your Carbon Emission-Free Chimney

Christmas and Electricity

General Electric began selling pre-assembled Christmas light kits in 1903. Until then, lighting your tree electrically was expensive and the installation, complicated. Toy electric trains started out as a store window display that would draw the attention of shoppers to the store.

Power by Association

The Tom Kuhn Model

Tom Kuhn has taken a distinctive approach to leading the Edison Electric Institute. He tirelessly sought to drive his diverse membership of investor-owned electric utilities to an agreement to act that was significantly tougher to come to, but significantly more impactful for the utilities industry, for the customers the industry serves, and for our nation.

NARUC in Summertime

Tough Questions

The density of utility regulatory and policy folks in the more than adequately air-conditioned JW Marriott Austin, gathered there for NARUC’s Summer Summit, even after adjusting for the three-digit temperatures outside the conference’s hotel, hit record highs.

Patriot of His Country and Industry

Tom Fanning

Much like Owen Young a hundred years before him, Tom Fanning has again and again proven to be a patriot of his country and industry. Indeed, perhaps Fanning also personifies a second hero in the history of our industry, Alvin Ward Vogtle.