Massachusetts is moving forward with electric and gas competition on all fronts. Environmental Futures, Inc., the program administrator for Massachusetts Electric Co.'s (ME's) "Choice: New England" pilot, has issued requests for proposals for up to 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity so that electric suppliers around the country may compete to service about 10,000 current ME customers. The one-year voluntary pilot, which begins in December, will let residential and small commercial customers choose their electric supplier. Another part of the pilot, to run from July 9 to December 31, 1997, will give 13 large businesses the same choice.
Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) has approved the residential pilot program of Bay State Gas Co. (BSG), "Pioneer Valley Customer Choice," to begin November 1, 1996. The two-year pilot will allow 10,000 residential customers to choose among independent gas marketers competing on BSG's transportation system, while continuing to rely on BSG to deliver the gas to their homes.
Joel L. Singer, BSG president and CEO, sees no threat: "We anticipate that allowing independent gas marketers into the Pioneer Valley will provide further economic benefits through new employment opportunities." (em LB
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