FERC Questions Market Power Studies, Will Explore Mitigation in California PX Docket

Fortnightly Magazine - February 1 1997
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Having decided that California's three major investor-owned utilities (IOUs) exert greater market power in generation and transmission than the IOUs had let on in detailed studies filed last summer, but finding no purpose in asking for a second round of hefty documents, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has decided to explore options for mitigating such market power before approving the proposal by the IOUs (Southern California Edison Co., Pacific Gas & Electric Co., and San Diego Gas and Electric Co.) to form a Power Exchange (PX) and Independent system Operator (ISO).

Commissioner William Massey noted that with the release of the PX order, that FERC had touched upon the entire California restructuring proposal. He added that the FERC had made a preliminary assessment of market power, but that instead of ordering more studies, it was "more fruitful" for FERC to ask questions on the submitted information.

More Data Wanted. Specifically, the FERC has asked the companies to provide more information on:

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

• plans to divest generating assets,

• plans for monitoring the ISO, and

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