Looking Past California: The Emerging Shape of the Generation Sector

Which states had their plants sold off, which didn't, and which ones now face serious price risk.
Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 2001
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EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

1 See "" by Energy Ventures Analysis Inc. www.evainc.com

2 See "", published in June 2000 by PJM's Market Monitoring Unit, p. 2. In the year 2000, in five NERC power regions, natural gas represented more than 10 percent of total generation: ERCOT 53.3 percent, SPP 28.4 percent, NPCC (NY/NE) 25.6 percent, Florida (FRCC) 23.8 percent and WSCC 21.8 percent. In PJM only 8.7 percent of generation was gas-fired. Source: Form 759 and 900 data as complied by EVA, Inc.

3 , April 24, 2001, p. A-21.

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