Fortnightly Magazine - October 2004


Hard-and-fast ring-fencing rules are not the best way to maintain order in the partially deregulated utility sector.


Hard-and-fast ring-fencing rules are not the best way to maintain order in the partially deregulated utility sector.

In 1992, my colleagues on the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) and I initiated the first retail wheeling case in the country. Retail wheeling was the old name for competition, back when everyone thought that moving electrons from one place to another was a relatively simple task, one that could not in any way harbor underlying sinister acts or motives.

Commission Watch

The AGs' Global Warming Suits:

Commission Watch

The AGs' Global Warming Suits:

A recent lawsuit filed by eight state attorneys general will take the industry to the place where bad policy meets with bad economics.

Winners and Losers: Utility Strategy and Shareholder Return

Diversified companies lead (and the globals lag) over the past five years.

Business & Money

Winners and Losers:

Diversified companies lead (and the globals lag) over the past five years.

The unbundling of services and companies in the electricity and natural gas industries have created unprecedented opportunities to reinvent the traditional integrated utility model, with a broader array of attendant risks and rewards. But this past year was clearly one of retrenchment and strategic soul searching, allowing an opportunity to re-examine the sector for winning business formulas.

Technology Corridor

Cyber and Physical Security:

Technology Corridor

Cyber and Physical Security:

Although NERC and other agencies are helping out, utilities still face internal obstacles.