New Opportunities: MidAmerican Energy Holdings announced the appointment of Michael Dunn as president of PacifiCorp Energy. He was president of MidAmerican subsidiary, Kern River Gas Transmission.

NiSource Inc. announced that Jimmy D. Staton, executive v.p. and group CEO of NiSource’s gas distribution business, also will assume the added responsibility of leading the NiSource Indiana utilities, including Northern Indiana Public Service.
Vectren chose Carl L. Chapman to serve as CEO. He was president and COO and succeeds the retiring Niel C. Ellerbrook.
AmerenUE promoted David N. Wakeman to v.p., energy delivery from manager of distribution operating.
FirstEnergy named Charles E. Jones its senior v.p. and president, FirstEnergy Utilities, from senior v.p., energy delivery and customer service. He succeeds the retired Richard R. Rigg.
Constellation Energy named Michael D. Smith as senior v.p. of retail green initiatives for Constellation NewEnergy. He was v.p. and director of Constellation’s international energy police office in London.