Georgia PSC
Photo: Sheree Kernizan and Pandora Epps

PUF: Tell us about the Internal Consultants' Unit.
Pandora Epps: Internal Consultants is a group of eleven professionals. We have five engineers (one Professional Engineer/Certified Financial Analyst), five analyst/accountants (one Certified Public Accountant) and one contracts specialist. IC assists the Electric, Telecommunications, Natural Gas and Consumer Affairs Units by taking the lead on many of the projects in the various units that require technical expertise.
Since we have this level of expertise within the Internal Consultants group, we'll farm everybody out for the projects that need to be worked on. IC currently takes the lead on Georgia Power Company's energy efficiency and renewable projects and matters, Georgia Power's Fuel Cost Recovery cases, Georgia Power's construction monitoring of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, Georgia Power's nuclear waste disposal issues, and utility finance issues in all rate cases (as a statutory requirement of the Director of Utility Finance - Tom Newsome, PE, CFA), as well as acting as Commissioner Advisory Staff on all contested cases.
PUF: How do you keep it all straight?