NCUC Clerks and IT Services


A Day at North Carolina UC

Fortnightly Magazine - April 2019
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The PUF team made its way to the North Carolina Utilities Commission in mid-February. They received a warm welcome not only from the Commission but also from the independent and large Public Staff, which intervenes on behalf of the using and consuming public.


PUF: Kim, a lot of people know you nationally because of your work on the NARUC electricity sub-committee, but what do you do at the North Carolina Commission?

Kim Jones: There are three big buckets to my job. Lisa Needham, who heads our IT group, reports to me, as does Lynn Jarvis with the clerk's office. In addition, because of my background in the electric utility industry, I still get tagged to work on electricity matters such as rate cases, smart meters, generator interconnection policies, power line need proceedings, a whole host of matters.

PUF: Is that rewarding and fun for you?

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