Fortnightly Smartest Communities: Sharelynn Moore



Fortnightly Magazine - July 2019
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With the support of the Dentons Smart Cities & Communities Think Tank, PUF chose to honor Austin, Columbus, San Antonio, Spokane and suburban Birmingham as the Fortnightly Smartest Communities 2019.

PUF: What's your job at Itron?

Sharelynn Moore: I'm the Senior Vice President of Itron's Network Solutions group, which is one of Itron's three business segments.

PUF: Tells us about Spokane and Urbanova.

Sharelynn Moore: In addition to my role leading Itron's Network Solutions group, I am also a board member for Urbanova, which is an entity that was created to facilitate the growth of a smart city living laboratory in Spokane. Not only does Urbanova deliver smart city capabilities for our area, but it also entices and provides a living laboratory for innovators to come, learn, and test smart city applications.

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