Offshore Wind – Export Cables or Backbone Transmission?


Marine Transmission Options

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2019
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Many east coast states are pursuing offshore wind resources to achieve their long-term renewable energy and carbon reduction goals. In our article, "Offshore Wind Transmission Options, Opportunities," in the April 2018 issue of PUF, we addressed many of the threshold challenges of the marine transmission options to deliver offshore wind power to the onshore grid. Those options included:

Export Cables — akin to radial lead lines for land-based generation, which are an integral part of each offshore wind project. All offshore wind procurements to date have included export cables in which the construction and operating risks of the generation and transmission components are born by a single party, thereby aligning their strategic interests. PJM is considering allowing offshore wind projects to be built with export cables and exploring how to connect them together at a later point to create an offshore grid.

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