Picture Energy: Mid-America's Regulators Meet in Des Moines


August 11-14

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2019

The Mid-America Regulatory Conference was a huge success with a big turnout and lots of great panels. Iowa Board Member and NARUC President Nick Wagner was seemingly everywhere as Iowa pride was on display.

The Iowa Utilities Board hosted a reception at the Iowa State Fair, where attendees, along with their families sampled some of the best food the fair has to offer. We sat side-by-side at picnic tables, chatting and enjoying bacon-wrapped ribs, giant pork chops, corndogs, apple pie eggrolls and more. After the reception, attendees saw the infamous Butter Cow, constructed of six-hundred pounds of Iowa butter, and the winner of the Big Pumpkin Contest, weighing in at seven-hundred and sixty pounds.

See the Facebook album here.