What's Former Michigan PSC Chair Talberg Working on Now?


Unique conversations

Fortnightly Magazine - November 2021
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She was the Chair of the Michigan Public Service Commission until recently and a thought-leader on utility regulation and policy. The Public Utilities Fortnightly team wondered what Sally Talberg was working on now, so we dialed her up and talked regulation and policy.

In this first conversation we focused on one of her three big issues. How can we make the supply chain for solar (presently largely offshore based) more resilient?


PUF's Steve Mitnick: What are some of the top issues that you're working on and thinking about?

Sally Talberg: I really enjoyed my time in public service. But it's been great to be back in the consulting world.

I was a consultant prior to being appointed to the Public Service Commission in Michigan in 2013. It's exciting to make an impact for clients and I love research and strategy.

I have been working mainly in three areas: solar manufacturing, grid modernization, and natural gas decarbonization. There's so much work going on in all three of those areas.

PUF: You haven't completely left our regulatory world. There's a session at November's NARUC Annual Meeting on one of these three areas.

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