Kansas CC: Jeff McClanahan


Director of Utilities

Fortnightly Magazine - February 2022
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At the Kansas Corporation Commission, the PUF team found a nation-leading trucking safety program, one of two states that regulate utilities and the oil and gas industry through the same agency, a Chair chosen to sit on the Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission, and too much to name here. Kansas is grappling with a multitude of issues. The Kansas Commissioners and Staff share their thoughts here.

PUF's Lori Burkhart: How did your background lead you to your position as Utilities Division Director at the Commission?

Jeff McClanahan: I'm from Texas and hold a degree in accounting. I spent eight years with a savings and loan association in Texas as an internal auditor. Then I went through the Southwest bailout plan for savings and loans in the late eighties.

That was a great learning experience and I transferred to what we called the bad bank. It was the institution that held all the foreclosed assets. The responsibility was to sell the foreclosed assets. I became an accounts payable manager and later assumed the added role of property accounting manager.

I met my wife in Dallas, and she is from Topeka. I had an exit package from the savings and loan as they were winding the operation down. That afforded us the ability to move here and look for jobs.

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