Veterans in Energy's Leadership Forum
The Veterans in Energy 2022 Leadership Forum was a resounding success. This was the first time since 2019 that an in-person Forum was held, and veterans from across the country flocked to Arlington, Virginia. What a reconvening it was.

Hal Pittman, Veterans in Energy Past President, conducted a lively poll to get the energy-centric event started. One by one, he went down the list of military services, engaging the attendees, asking who was from the Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, and Coast Guard.
Pittman evoked the playful camaraderie and Armed Forces' good-natured, vibrantly competitive spirit, which unites all the brave servicemen and servicewomen who take an oath to defend this country. What has further united them, as well as all non-vets in attendance, is a commitment to ensuring America's robust energy future. Listen in to what CEOs said to our nation's veterans.
Utilities affirm they will improve reliability and efficiency as they produce more clean energy:
CEO, Georgia Power, Chris Womack: I'm thrilled about the technology transition and the new technology that's occurring in this business that also affords us the opportunity to make changes in how we do our business, to be more efficient, to be more reliable, while also delivering all the fundamentals of our business.