Update on Benefit Cost Analysis for Distributed Energy Resources


E4TheFuture, SEPA

Fortnightly Magazine - February 2023
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A new report important to those in the energy regulatory world, is titled, Benefit-Cost Analysis Case Studies: Examples of Distributed Energy Resource Use Cases. For as the clean-energy journey continues, evaluating DERs becomes even more imperative.

This report builds on a significant document, the 2020 National Standard Practice Manual for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resources. That gave regulators and others a starting point with a set of central principles to guide decision making when conducting BCA and which cost tests to use.

The purpose of the new report is to illustrate BCAs for various DER technologies and use cases that are of growing interest in the electric industry. To unpack what this vital resource means for the energy and utilities industry, PUF brought together two of the experts behind the report, E4TheFuture's Julie Michals and SEPA's Kate Strickland.

PUF's Lori Burkhart: Why did you see the need for this report on benefit cost analysis on distributed energy resources?

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