Tracey Edwards is a Commissioner at the New York Public Service Commission.
The New York Public Service Commission and New York Department of Public Service oversee a mandate in New York's Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, to cut greenhouse gas emissions forty percent by 2030 and no less than eighty-five percent by 2050 from 1990 levels. All that, while carrying on its regulatory business in the public interest. The five hundred-plus dedicated Staff of the New York Department of Public Service are up to all these tasks. They are the Staff arm of the seven-member New York Public Service Commission.

PUF's Lori Burkhart: How did your career lead you to the Commission?
Commissioner Tracey Edwards: I started as an operator for New York telephone, worked my way up and I retired after thirty-seven and a half years from Verizon. So, I was with all the legacy companies; NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, then Verizon. I was fortunate to retire from that great company as region president.
My last responsibility was in operations. I was responsible for half of New York. At one time, it was my wonderful team, right before I retired during Super Storm Sandy, that laid the fiber network that's there today. I'm very proud of the contributions that we made together.