Uplight and Rolling Energy Resources Driving EV Charging


EV Innovation

Fortnightly Magazine - March 2023
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The perfect recipe to get utilities driving in the right electric vehicle direction has been found by combining the skills of two clean-energy transformation companies. Mix together innovative software, vehicle telematics, and EV charging expertise, combined with experience in demand side management and demand response, throw in data and voilà, it's the perfect creation for extending the reach of EV load management programs to utilities and customers everywhere.

How the formula came together sounds simple, but as with all new endeavors, there was a lot more to it. A large part of being in the creative kitchen involves teaching customers and using behavioral interventions, perhaps incentives, the carrot.

Public Utilities Fortnightly's Steve Mitnick discussed with these innovators, Uplight's Erin D'Amato and Rolling Energy Resources' Katie Parkinson, how they are bringing the future here now. This customer journey involves apps too, just not the kind you eat.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: Katie, your company and Uplight are partnering in one of the most critical areas of the energy transformation. Talk about that.

Katie Parkinson: Rolling Energy Resources (RER), combined with Uplight, is extending the reach of EV load management programs to utilities and customers all over the country. It's our innovative software combined with Uplight's reach, customer service, and connections.

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