A Day at GTI Energy: CEO Paula Gant


Unique conversations

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2023
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GTI Energy embraces a vision for integrated, low-carbon, low-cost energy systems that leverage gases, liquids, infrastructure, and efficiency to meet the urgent challenges presented by climate change and global energy access. To fully comprehend these words, there is nothing like a visit to its eighteen acres of facilities close to Chicago, to take in the depth and breadth of what goes on at these specialized labs with equipment for design, testing, and analysis of advanced energy technologies. PUF's Executive Editor Steve Mitnick and Editor-In-Chief Lori Burkhart were fortunate to pass inside the gates of GTI Energy to view the future of energy. We engaged with CEO Paula Gant, as well as with scientists and engineers, to better understand several of their projects.


PUF's Steve Mitnick: Talk about the latest at GTI Energy.

Paula Gant: Starting with a brief look at our history. GTI has eight decades of experience working with the operators of energy systems to effect transitions in energy systems. We're adding new performance characteristics, gaining advances on existing performance characteristics. Those are safety, reliability, efficiency, and resilience.

Increasingly, we're adding additional performance characteristics like lowering emissions, water use, and impact on communities. These are performance characteristics we're adding for the greater transition of energy systems.

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