Low Voltage

Managing the complexity of today's power grid within the distributed energy system poses significant challenges.  With the rapid expansion of intermittent renewables, the rise of prosumers and Distributed Energy Resources, growing electrification, and escalating power demand, utilities are finding it increasingly difficult to uphold the reliability of the energy supply that everybody relies upon.
According to the International Energy Agency’s latest “World Energy Outlook” report, global electricity demand is set to increase rapidly in all scenarios because of populat

Edge Computing to Play Critical Role Managing Grid Assets

According to the International Energy Agency’s latest World Energy Outlook report, global electricity demand is set to increase rapidly in all scenarios as a result of population and income growth and the electrification of increasing numbers of end-uses.  By 2050, demand for electricity will rise from its current level by over eighty percent in the most conservative scenario.
Recent policy developments have boosted the prospects for renewables in major markets, including China, European Union, India, Japan, and United States.  As a result, the global share of electr

Spectrum Simplified

The utilities sector is experiencing major flux as it undergoes digital transformation. Utilities are investing in new technologies to modernize the grid and improve the existing grid’s security, reliability, and resiliency. As a result, utilities increasingly require access to a wireless network with superior coverage and adequate capacity to address their security, reliability, and independence needs. One of the fundamental building blocks in any radio communications system is spectrum. This guide is designed to demystify spectrum for utilities decision-makers.