AEIC Conversations: Najwa Abouhassan


Commonwealth Edison

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2022
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Here is a taste of the cross-industry conversations that took place at the 138th annual meeting of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies.

PUF: Why do you come to AEIC Annual? What do you hope to learn when you come to these events?

Najwa Abouhassan: I have been attending AEIC since 2014 with the Cable Engineering Committee and it all started with my curiosity of cables. I was the subject matter expert for cables as a Senior Engineer and started working with the Cable Engineering Committee.

I was able to learn and contribute to the committee and worked on the development of guides and specifications. We were focused on capturing some of that tribal knowledge that often gets lost as engineers retire and leave the company.

I was part of different task groups and got into the leadership part of AEIC where I chaired the Cable Engineering Committee for two years. I chaired it during COVID. That was my term, which had its own challenges, but learned to pivot because I believed in the mission of the Cable Engineering Committee and the impact it has, not only on ComEd, but on the industry.

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