California Public Utilities Commission

Regulators' Forum: A Fight Over Market Design

FERC's attempt to standardize markets have some state regulators up in arms.

FERC's attempt to standardize markets have some state regulators up in arms.

The fight over standard market design (SMD) looms large as regulators face the coming year. Passions are heightened on the subject-and everyone has an opinion.

In these pages, takes SMD and other questions right to the top policymakers in six states-Alabama, California, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, and Texas-for a snapshot of what the thinking is on hot topics. And of course we included the man of the hour, FERC's chairman Pat Wood.

Absolute Power

Reviewing FERC's omnipotence over markets.

Reviewing FERC's omnipotence over markets: Market players like Calpine say standard market design (SMD) and RTO issues "while laudable and important objectives … will do little to enhance wholesale competition if contract sanctity is not assured."

California: Beginning Anew

The 2002 rhetoric sounds like pro-electric competition, but is it too little, too late?

In its recent efforts to tie up the loose ends left from the California Crisis, is the state setting itself up for a sequel, California Crisis II: A Not So Beautiful Market?


Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.

Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.


California sued El Paso for gaming the pipeline. But the blame may lie to the East.


The Great Gas Grab



PG&E's Hydro Workout: Can This Deal Be Saved?

For the utility, wresting its assets from PUC control is the real point.


For the utility, wresting its assets from PUC control is the real point.

Gas & Electric Co.'s 17-month-old proposal to divest its hydro assets via auction likely is dead, a casualty of California's ongoing energy market turmoil. Despite this reality, the utility's auction proposal remained active at the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) as of press time in mid-January, even as the governor and state legislature held emergency meetings amid rolling blackouts.