
Getting Past Net Metering

A forward-looking solution to rate reform, for when solar costs hit bottom.

Why keep rate design shackled to the ways of the past, especially at the dawn of a solar revolution?

NYPA and mprest Receive Grant to Study Prevention of Power Transformer Outages

The New York Power Authority and mPrest, an Israeli software development firm, were awarded a $900,000 grant from the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation to develop a system that can rapidly detect malfunctioning power transformers before they cause larger problems on the electric grid. NYPA and mPrest will develop software for deployment on the NYPA transmission system, and plan to engage the Electric Power Research Institute for research assistance.

AES Energy Storage Unveiled 260 MW of Interconnected Global Projects

AES Energy Storage unveiled a portion of its deployment roadmap for AES Advancion Energy Storage Solutions, which includes the addition of battery-based storage resources across the US, South America, and Europe. Projects in construction or late stage development are expected to deliver 260 MW of interconnected battery-based energy storage, equivalent to 520 MW of flexible power resource, 25% of which is expected to be on-line by mid-2016.

Energy Storage: Out of the Lab and Onto the Grid

As deployments take hold, real-world challenges abound.

Energy storage has advanced rapidly, leaving the lab and entering a phase of deployment on the grid. Storage's advancements are a result of its promise as well as the tireless support of industry stakeholders who modeled, tested, evaluated and demonstrated the technology.

Integrated Distribution Planning

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The next frontier, and the logical extension of integrated resource planning. Self-generation, the connected home, the celebrated internet of things – they all suggest it’s time to focus on the local grid.

Fleming-Mason Energy Deploys Tantalus for AMI Communications Network

Fleming-Mason Energy (FME) selected Tantalus for the design and implementation of an AMI communications network in northeastern Kentucky. FME will also leverage TUNet - the Tantalus Utility Network - to support a wide range of integrated applications. FME is utilizing TUNet's hybrid RF mesh architecture which leverages an ultra-long range 220 MHz WAN backhaul in combination with a terrain hugging 900 MHz LAN. FME is also leveraging the use of remote disconnect/reconnect meters to assist in streamlining collections and improving customer service.

Memphis Light, Gas and Water Selects Elster AMI

Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) selected the EnergyAxis advanced metering infrastructure and EIServer meter data management systems from Elster Solutions for the first phase of their smart meter deployment. EnergyAxis enables meter data collection, analysis, reporting, and network management for all three services using a single head-end system. This simplifies system management, and reduces the total cost of ownership.