FPL Plans to Acquire and Phase Out Coal-Fired Power Plant

Florida Power & Light (FPL) filed a petition with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) to request approval to acquire a power plant that it has had under a long-term contract to purchase power since 1988. Upon taking ownership of the Cedar Bay Generating Plant, a 250-MW coal-fired facility located in Jacksonville, Fla., FPL plans to immediately terminate the contract and reduce the plant's operations by 90 percent, with the intention of eventually phasing the plant out of service.

FPL Plans to Install More Than 1 Million Solar Panels at Three Solar Power Plants

Florida Power & Light (FPL) plans to build substantially more solar energy capacity as part of its ongoing strategy of advancing clean energy while keeping electricity affordable for customers. Before the end of 2016, FPL intends to build three new solar PV power plants that are being designed to cost-effectively complement other major system improvements, which include the retirement of some of the company's oldest fossil fuel-burning units and the continued investment in clean, fuel-efficient, 24-hour

S&C's TripSaver II to Reduce Momentary Outages for FPL

S&C Electric Company established an agreement with Florida Power & Light (FPL) for S&C’s TripSaver II cutout-mounted reclosers to be installed throughout the utility’s system to reduce momentary outages for its 4.7 million customers. The TripSaver II is an electronically controlled single-phase recloser that can self-clear transient faults on lateral lines, avoiding the need to “blink” or disturb the main feeder and other lateral lines.

Risk Holds Sway

Interest rates not always controlling for return on equity. 

(November 2014) Our annual survey of rates of return on common equity authorized by state public utility commissions in recent rate cases for electric and gas retail distribution utilities.

Florida Power & Light Proposes Plan to Invest in Natural Gas

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) plans to invest in long-term natural gas supplies, which the company believes will save customers money and keep fuel costs lower. FPL is partnering with PetroQuest Energy, to develop up to 38 natural gas production wells in the Woodford Shale region in southeastern Oklahoma. PetroQuest will oversee and operate those wells. FPL will receive a portion of the natural gas produced from each well for its use.

People (November 2013)

Southern Power names Chris Cummiskey chief commercial officer; Northeast Utilities appoints new executives at operating utilities; Kevin Bethel replaces Jonathan Halkyard as CFO at NV Energy; Georgia Power creates new position, v.p. of renewable development; plus personnel announcements at PG&E, Sempra, FirstEnergy, Edison International, IDACORP, and others.

Cost-Recovery for Pre-Approved Projects

Uncertainties remain, but recent cases provide guidance.

Levelized rates can serve customers’ interests, while also accelerating capital investment and providing an economic stimulus to the economy.

Got Bonds?

MidAmerican’s Topaz solar financing proves that bond investors have an appetite for green investments.

When MidAmerican Energy Holdings issued $850 million in bonds in February 2012 to finance construction of the massive 550-MW Topaz Solar photovoltaic (PV) farm, it raised more than a few eyebrows in the financial and renewable energy communities.