Partnership, Not Preemption

How state-sponsored planning can fit with FERC’s capacity markets.

FERC-approved capacity markets and state-sponsored resource planning serve different needs. The one shouldn’t pre-empt the other.

Race to the Bottom

Two Eastern governors make war against markets.

The governors of New Jersey and Maryland have embarked on a crusade that could topple competitive energy markets in their states—and perhaps beyond. Glen R. Thomas, former chairman of the Pennsylvania PUC, challenges policy makers in the two states to stand up for free markets and stop a destructive race to the bottom.

Capacity Value Trap

Are merchant power assets overpriced?

By some measures, merchant power assets look like a bargain, selling for well below their replacement cost. But whether low prices signal a buying opportunity or a value trap depends on the outlook for electricity demand growth—not just in the long term, but also in the fairly immediate future.