Public Utilities Fortnightly is publishing its very first extra edition. The breaking news will have such an enormous impact on utilities that this edition’s immediacy and singular focus is, in our opinion, well-deserved.
The Federal Communications Commission shook our industry on Wednesday, May 13. In a single order, the FCC carved out of the radio spectrum ample “beachfront property” for utilities particularly to deploy private broadband LTE. This means utilities can secure their communications separate from the Internet where everything from the loading of cat videos to the unloading of cybersecurity attacks from hostile nation states resides.
Read our exclusive interviews with FCC Chair Pai, NARUC President Presley, Southern Co. CEO Fanning, U.S. Senator Warner, and former FCC and California Commissioner Chong. Also see exclusive video discussions with FCC Chair Pai, NARUC President Presley, and Southern Co. EVP-Operations Stan Connally.

See the TOC and articles posted on our website.
Download a PDF of the Extra Edition here.