Finding an independent system operator (ISO) prerequisite to electric industry restructuring, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) has issued a detailed set of "minimum standards" for developing and operating an ISO.
The PSC says that the ISO must function independently of generators and must operate the transmission system to protect consumers and sellers of power from anticompetitive use of the wires. In addition, the ultimate responsibility for safety and reliability must be vested in one entity at all times.
Commissioner Daniel J.Eastman dissented, warning that the approved plan would leave the commission with "little, if any, regulatory authority" over the new ISO. He also cautioned that the strict operating standards might preclude participation by jurisdictional utilities in regional transmission groups currently under development. Re Development of an Independent System Operator for the Electric Transmission System of Wisconsin, No. 05-BE-100, Sept. 26, 1996 (Wis.P.S.C.).
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