
Fortnightly Magazine - March 15 1997
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XENERGY Inc. and the Electric Power-Research Institute will team up in a second phase of a retail-wheeling pilot program study. The expanded study will include California, Massachusetts, Illinois and New York. Competitors, market share and sales strategies will be assessed. XENERGY first started the survey in July 1996. More than 40 utilities sponsored the research. The first phase focused mostly on New Hampshire, but also targeted electricity deregulation in the 50 states. Phase two, focusing on commercial-industrial customers, ends June 1997. XENERGY is a second-tier subsidiary of New York Electric & Gas.

Southern Energy-Asia Inc. acquired an 80-percent interest in Consolidated Electric Power Asia Ltd. (CEPA). The CEPA deal, valued at $3.2 billion, is the largest merger and acquisition in Asia, excluding Japan, according to Southern Co., Southern Energy's parent. Hopewell Holdings Ltd. has retained an interest of about 19.9 percent; 79 CEPA shareholders have retained the remaining holdings.

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