In Brief...

Fortnightly Magazine - May 15 1997
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Sound bites from state and federal regulators.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Pole Attachment Rates. Michigan PSC adopts new costing method to set utility pole attachment rates, aimed at developing competition in telecommunications services and discouraging investment in duplicate facilities by new market entrants. It cautions that changes in markets or regulatory environment might prompt a reconsideration. Case Nos. U-10741 et al., Feb. 11, 1997 (Mich.P.S.C.).

Internet Tariff Posting. New York PSC authorizes New York State Electric and Gas Corp. to convert its gas sales and transportation service tariffs to an electronic format allowing public access to the material via the commission's Internet "web" site within 24 hours of each new filing. Action marks first new electronic tariff approved under a new program begun on Dec. 18, 1996. Case No. 96-G-1154, March 5, 1997 (N.Y.P.S.C.).

Real-Time Pricing. Florida PSC allows Gulf Power Co. to increase maximum number of customers eligible for service under its two-year pilot real-time-pricing tariff, from 12 to 24, to determine if hourly pricing can have a more general application across a broader group of customer types. Docket No. 961483, Order No. PSC-97-0217-FOF-EI, Feb 24, 1997 (Fla.P.S.C.).

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