Off Peak

A <i>Fortnightly</i> Questionnaire
Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 2003
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A Questionnaire

The recently reported that insurance provider Swiss Re is considering denying coverage, starting with directors-and-officers liability policies, to companies it decides aren't doing enough to reduce their output o greenhouse gases. Directors-and-officers liability coverage protects a company's directors and named officers from personal liability from lawsuits alleging they mismanaged the company's affairs. At press time, Swiss Re reported it would mail out questionnaires in the next few weeks in which it would ask the buyers of directors-and-officers insurance what they are doing to prepare for imminent government restrictions on greenhouse-gas emissions. Intrigued, crafted some questions to help the industry prepare for what no doubt will be a grueling questionnaire by Swiss Re that will try to exploit even the smallest details of energy executives' lives.

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