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McConnell Maligns Clean Power Plan

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, is now asking the states to disregard the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, saying it is economically disadvantageous. His calculus, however, fails to consider the financial gains from investments in modern technologies.

Those of us following the politics of coal country and throughout the Appalachia region understand the popular political sentiment there – that coal is the lifeblood of the area and that President Obama is poisoning the well. So it’s no surprise that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY is now urging not only his state but others to buck the Clean Power Plan, proposed last June by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and backed by the White House.

How Real is the New Energy Economy?

Energy economics are changing, especially as newer and more distributed technologies are enabling customers to generate their own power. The question is is to what extent utilities will embrace prospective changes and whether they will see new market opportunities as a result.

With utilities now shifting their attention to the new energy frontier and investments in distributed assets, a central question remains: Can those energy companies embrace such changes and build new revenue streams at the same time?

Fossil Fuels Firing Back

The movement to divest from fossil fuels that is being led by some of the nation’s leading universities is misguided and fails to recognize that oil, natural gas and coal have increased living standards around the globe.

February 13-14 has been designated as “Global Divestment Day” to demand that universities and other institutions divest their holdings of fossil fuel companies – oil, natural gas, and coal. This is unrealistic and misguided.

Blown Fuse

The high cost of European Union energy threatens the region’s industrial base, pushing manufacturers to move factories and other energy-intensive facilities from Europe to regions where energy prices are far lower.

Electric and gas utilities don't get a lot of love. They typically rank near the bottom in Bain & Company surveys measuring customer loyalty and advocacy across a range of industries. In these times of rising energy prices across Europe, that's understandable. But blaming utilities deflects attention from the serious problems wrought by the European Union's current energy policy and regulation - the playing field on which utilities must operate.

Cutting Carbon Reveals Sharp Differences Between Rich and Poor

If climate talks are to succeed, the winning formula is well known: Cut coal use and give the developing world more resources to build out alternative energy portfolios. With easy access to coal, though, that is a lot more difficult than it sounds.

If climate change stands atop your priorities, then the recently ended confab in Lima, Peru, registered only modestly on your radar. For true believers, the best spin is that talks are going forward - and that all parties got at least some of what they are seeking for the November 2015 UN climate summit in Paris.