Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 2001
ByRegulators will have to decide who pays to upgrade the transmission system.
Special Report
Industry hopes its centralized assets aren't in the crosshairs.
When the topic of U.S. energy security comes up, OPEC typically springs to mind. Sure enough, following the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, politicians and energy executives quickly rallied before the public for less reliance on oil supply from OPEC member nations, and for bolstering domestic energy production.
Off Peak
Off Peak
November 1, 2001
Nightmare Scenario
Professor chokes on green group emissions.
How Soon is Now?
Demand Response: An Overview of Enabling Technologies
Demand Response: An Overview of Enabling Technologies
Nuclear and Coal: Rebirth on the Horizon?
An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.
Electric power industry trade publications and the popular media have noted a growing interest in the rebirth of both nuclear power and coal-fired generation. These technologies would be a supplement to, or an alternative to, the natural gas fired generation that appears to be the predominant fuel and technology for new power generation facilities in the coming decade.
An Invitation From Ken Lay