Fortnightly Magazine - June 15 1995

Niagara Mohawk Prepares for Battle

On May 11 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. (NMP) filed suit against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the New York Public Service Commission (PSC), seeking relief from what it terms "mandated, above-market electricity purchases" from unregulated generators.

South Carolina Seeks Low-level Waste Relief

After losing its battle to punish North Carolina for not moving quickly enough to site a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility, Gov. David Beasley (R) of South Carolina has threatened to pull out of the Southeast Compact.

In April, Beasley had asked the Southeast Compact Commission for permission to reopen the Barnwell disposal facility to generators in every state except North Carolina.

Rate Base Adjustments Not Needed in Stable Economy

Citing a "relatively stable economy," the Utah Public Service Commission (PSC) has reaffirmed its preference for a historical test period in setting utility rates. It rejected a proposal by Mountain Fuel Supply Co., a natural gas local distribution company (LDC), to employ a projected test year in its current rate case. The LDC argued that the adjusted expense and revenue figures would better reflect customer growth as well as the effects of a newly established early retirement program.


John Huey (Fortune, Feb. 21, 1994) suggests that some corporate leaders resemble candidates running for office. Cynically, this conjures an image of the slick campaigner (em a blue suit, a thick head of hair, makeup artists, acting class, and speech coaches. Yet, Mr. Huey raises an issue that cannot be ignored. How can public utilities learn to communicate better?

I've worked as a communications director at a major investor-owned electric company.

Mass. Joins Electric Restructuring Craze

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU), electric generation is no longer best organized as a monopoly. This conclusion has led the DPU to open an inquiry to investigate: 1) how restructuring the electric industry in the state would promote competition and benefit customers, and 2) whether to extend to some or all customers the option of choosing their own supplier of electricity. Re Electric Industry Restructuring, D.P.U. 95-30, Feb. 10, 1995 (Mass.D.P.U.).


PURPA: At Odds With the New Industry?

The issue of the day is what to do with the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Whether the act will be repealed or merely revised is open to debate, but the consensus is that changes are forthcoming.

Ever since the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued its February order finding that the California commission had violated PURPA by requiring Southern California Edison Co. and San Diego Gas and Electric Co.

NY Approves Self-generation Deferral Incentives

The New York Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved a proposal by New York State Electric & Gas Corp., an electric utility, to offer a new rate mechanism to retain and regain low-load-factor (5 to 35 percent) customers with viable self-generation options.

EPE/CSW Merger Finds Favor at FERC

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) administrative law judge Jerome Nelson has found the proposed merger between Central and South West Corp. (CSW) and the bankrupt El Paso Electric Co. (EPE) consistent with the public interest (Docket Nos. EC94-7-000 and ER94-898-000). However, Judge Nelson recommended that approval be subject to a FERC decision on a number of comparability issues. (The FERC had issued an earlier opinion imposing comparability as part of the merger deal, but excepting ERCOT members.

N.C. Sets Rates for Information Superhighway

The North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) has approved a series of charges levied by local exchange carriers (LECs) under their agreement with the state government to operate the North Carolina Information Highway (NCIH). The NCIH is a broadband network that

uses fiber-optic cable and advanced switching and transmission equipment to provide data, video, and imaging communications to sites throughout the state. The technology is not yet generally deployed in the public telephone network.