The Aftermath of Alliance
What can we learn from its failure?
What can we learn from its failure?
Enron's fall finds FERC toying with cost-based rates. But let's temper the nostalgia.
New mega-marketers, niche players emphasize opportunity.
Energy traders and risk managers reengineered their business dealings to manage against unexpected political and financial risks posed by California and Enron in 2001.
After the Shakeout: Another Look at the Georgia Gas Market
High profit potential will attract new power plants, forcing prices down and stranding the state's long-term electricity purchases.
Let's consider three questions crucial to California's energy crisis and its plans for solution.
News Digest
Off Peak
March 15, 2001
'I See Now I Was Naive'
There's nothing quite like a consumer scorned..
Excerpts from letters sent by private citizens to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and made a part of the official in RDocket No. EL00-95-000.