Natural gas

Bridging the Carbon Gap: Fossil Fuel Use for the 21st Century

Coal gasification as a transition plan to build lead time to develop sustainable, climate-friendly energy technologies.

Coal gasification as a transition plan to build lead time to develop sustainable, climate-friendly energy technologies.

Editor's Note
Several of the sources for this article and accompanying sidebars are referenced numerous times.

Benchmarks: Coal Prices

Steady again, as new paradigm takes hold.

New coal price levels are down, but above the prices realized in the 1990s. Perhaps it can be demonstrated that the supply of coal is much more in line with its demand, and that coal mines are producing at levels much closer to aggregate mine capacity.

Gas-Power Infrastructure: The Missing Link?

Presenting an option to solving electric transmission congestion.

Fixing electric transmission congestion has been dominating market design policy debates since the beginning of restructuring. Could the gas pipeline infrastructure offer a solution?

2002 Will Be a Pivotal Year

While 2001 can be characterized by uncertainty, by the end of 2002, we should know a lot more about what power markets are likely to look like over the next five to 10 years.

Nuclear and Coal: Rebirth on the Horizon?

An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.


An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.

Electric power industry trade publications and the popular media have noted a growing interest in the rebirth of both nuclear power and coal-fired generation. These technologies would be a supplement to, or an alternative to, the natural gas fired generation that appears to be the predominant fuel and technology for new power generation facilities in the coming decade.

U.S. Gas Production: Can We Trust the Projections?

Government (EIA) forecasts suffer in credibility when compared with geologic assessments.

The EIA predicts that natural gas consumption will climb more than 60 percent percent over 20 years, driving U.S. production up 50-plus percent over the same period. How does that square with geologic assessments?

California's Power Gamble: Long-Term Contracts, Locked-In Risk

High profit potential will attract new power plants, forcing prices down and stranding the state's long-term electricity purchases.


High profit potential will attract new power plants, forcing prices down and stranding the state's long-term electricity purchases.

Let's consider three questions crucial to California's energy crisis and its plans for solution.

Jules Verne's Grid?

With undersea cable linking Canada to Manhattan, Project Neptune could remake the transmission biz.

With undersea cable linking Canada to Manhattan, Project Neptune could remake the transmission biz.

Was Gas to Blame? Exploring the Cause of California's High Prices

Basis exploded, but so did heat rates and NO<sub>x </sub>credits.

1 "Staff Report to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Western Markets and the Causes of the Summer 2000 Price Abnormalities," Nov. 1, 2000. Available on FERC website, Hereinafter cited as Ferc Staff Report on California.

2 Source: Energy Security Analysis Inc. power databases using EIA form F900 and F759 data.