Pacific Gas & Electric

The Grid Is Dead

Gas pipelines compete against electric transmission lines. And the pipes are winning.

Years from now, we'll look back on the power crisis as the beginning of the end of electric transmission.

California's Power Gamble: Long-Term Contracts, Locked-In Risk

High profit potential will attract new power plants, forcing prices down and stranding the state's long-term electricity purchases.


High profit potential will attract new power plants, forcing prices down and stranding the state's long-term electricity purchases.

Let's consider three questions crucial to California's energy crisis and its plans for solution.

News Analysis

With power markets now regional, the Pacific Northwest ponders responsibility for blackouts and outages.


News Analysis



News Digest

The California ISO offers a plan, but some fear that rules themselves are the problem.


News Digest


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News Digest


PUCs have yet to factor in higher risk for deregulation

PUCs have yet to factor in higher risk for deregulation.

(December, 2000) Here are the results of our annual survey of authorized rates of return on common equity (ROE) for state-regulated energy utilities. This year's survey covers ROE determinations by state regulatory commissions during the period Oct. 1, 1999 through Sept. 30, 2000.